All based on the idea that we are working together on one Amsterdam. The day will take place on Thursday 6 June 2019, and is visited by 1,100 civil servants.

Theme of this year’s Amsterdam City Event is: how?

The overarching theme of 2019 is the question "How?” Whether it's about area-based working, the housing challenge, the transition in youth care, poverty, accessibility of the city or cooperation in the metropolitan region, the question "how?”

Our contribution

As part of the Amsterdam City Event on Thursday 6 June, between 13.00 and 14.30 hours AMS Institute will take part in the Knowledge Garden (kennistuin). Joined by other knowledge institutions, start-ups and new initiatives from the city, we’ll have a stand in de Tolhuistuin. You can come by for a chat to learn more about our activities in the area of research, education and innovation.

You can contact me for more information