Challenges in Buiksloterham

The living and working district of Buiksloterham in Amsterdam Noord explored realistic and desired scenarios for a sustainable, flexible and integrated energy supply system. The high energy performance of new buildings and the growth of decentralized renewable energy generation requires changes in the current energy system. In addition, it is possible that all new buildings in the district may be legally required to connect to the urban heat network.


The project results offered insight into the feasibility and added value of an integrated energy system at a district level. It was better understood whether innovative products and services are essential to the development of future sustainable and integrated energy systems.

The results are applicable to other construction sites/districts that can be characterized similarly, i.e. by the existence of old and new buildings, functioning infrastructure, high circular energy ambitions, and high density. The project team considered technical and organizational boundaries in their research. The final report can be found in Dutch below under “Related Information”

The BIES project stands out for its active collaboration with local stakeholders. Also, in total four energy scenarios have been developed and examined for their energy system performance as well as economic and circular and implementation. And lastly, the project results are being included in the development of the energy concept for plot 20 in Buiksloterham.


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Stichting Stadslab Buiksoterham