Respyre has developed and patented a new bio-receptive concrete product, which – when applied to existing structures – facilitates spontaneous growth of moss. While enhancing beneficial ecosystems of moss the underlying construction is protected against weathering, effectively extending its lifetime. Respyre is working towards a final product that will be easy in application, cost-effective and low in maintenance. Read more>>


Bioreceptive concrete

Climate Resilient Cities

To develop a climate-proof and livable environment we need to integrate more green in the design of cities. Concrete is a common building material in cities and for this purpose a bioreceptive concrete is developed and tested at Marineterrein Amsterdam.


Bioreceptive concrete

Climate Resilient Cities

To develop a climate-proof and livable environment we need to integrate more green in the design of cities. Concrete is a common building material in cities and for this purpose a bioreceptive concrete is developed and tested at Marineterrein Amsterdam.


Bioreceptive concrete

Climate Resilient Cities

To develop a climate-proof and livable environment we need to integrate more green in the design of cities. Concrete is a common building material in cities and for this purpose a bioreceptive concrete is developed and tested at Marineterrein Amsterdam.