Introducing Jelle de Swart, a dedicated educator at AMS, whose approach to teaching revolves around practical, hands-on learning experiences. As part of the Education and Learning Sciences group at WUR, he researches and teaches entrepreneurship at WUR and AMS.

Jelle's teaching philosophy is simple: less theory, more action. With a focus on real-world applications, students are encouraged to immerse themselves in authentic experiences that challenge and inspire them. From exploring the city to tackling projects, every lesson is designed to foster growth and resilience.

At the heart of Jelle's curriculum is the belief that uncertainty is not to be feared but embraced. Through a blend of practical skills and mindset development, students learn to navigate the com-plexities of the modern world with confidence and adaptability.

However, Jelle’s passion lies in guiding and supporting bright minds as they discover their potential and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Whether it's solving urban challenges or simply making a positive impact, Jelle is dedicated to empowering students to realize their aspirations.

Together, Jelle and his students are not just preparing for the future; they're actively shaping it, one lesson at a time.

“Together, let's turn uncertainty into opportunity and shape a brighter urban future”