Join us to learn more about new ideas and possibilities for shared mobility, low-car cities, innovative mobility management and behavioral change. And we are excited to hear about your experiences as well: share your knowledge about future urban mobility in interactive sessions.

Day 1: The future of shared mobility (09:00 - 16:00)

Attend keynote speeches and discuss questions such as 'How can mobility providers from shared mobility and public transport collaborate instead of compete?'

Day2: Low-car city and behavioral change (09:00 - 14:00)

Attend keynote speeches and discuss questions such as: 'How can we reduce urban car usage while still keeping the city accessible?' and 'How can we understand and guide behavioral change of mobility users?'

Sign up here

More (detailed) information on the timelines and program will follow. Tickets are free but availability is limited, so please register as soon as possible.