We are pleased to present the AMS Institute annual report for 2022>>
This report is a reflection of what is possible when we put our minds and hearts into solving urban challenges collectively. We hope the work by our students, scientists, staff and partners will inspire you to join us in the collaborative pursuit of sustainable and equitable solutions for cities all around the world.
Scalable urban solutions
At AMS Institute, the core academic partners, TU Delft, WUR, and MIT, further advanced research excellence in pursuit of scalable urban solutions and true societal impact. In cooperation with our teams of program developers, research fellows, principal investigators, living lab managers, and partners, we ran a portfolio of 60 innovative projects, acquired over EUR 25 million of new project volume, and prepared and submitted three large National Growth Fund (NGF) program proposals.
“AMS Institute's success lies in the vibrant ecosystem of scientists, faculty, students, staff and 1000+ public and private partners that make AMS Institute. A thriving community that not only generates valuable ideas, but also nurtures the talent and fosters the collaboration needed in reinventing cities. Because of this community, we can say with confidence: AMS Institute is an accelerator of urban transformation”
Kenneth Heijns
Former Managing Director at AMS Institute

Proud of our talent
In 2022, the MSc MADE program celebrated five years of pioneering transdisciplinary education and fostering talent. We are tremendously proud of our MSc MADE students and alumni for their contributions and dedication to our mission to reinvent cities. Our pride extends to our entrepreneurs as well; the positive impact made by the more than 25 start-ups we successfully supported through our startup Booster program last year. For that reason, our commitment to fostering talent and groundbreaking ideas remains strong going into 2023.
Learning together
Our home base at Marineterrein Amsterdam has proven to be fertile ground for our mission of reinventing cities. We look forward to exploring and capitalizing on the exciting possibilities of combining art, tech, and science in partnership with Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) and Codam Coding College (CODAM) in the new Marineterrein knowledge coalition.
In February 2022, we organized the scientific conference called ‘Reinventing Cities,’ where a global community of over 800 urban scientists, engineers and practitioners came together. The three-day event, co-hosted by the City of Amsterdam, instantly became a platform for sharing advances in urban sciences and engineering and connecting partners for future collaboration and impact.
Leading institute
One of 2022’s milestones was an independent 8-year review of the institute by an external expert committee, who concluded: ‘In the emerging field of urban engineering, AMS Institute can be recognized as a leading institution. Its profile is distinctive, especially in its effort to integrate research, education, and valorization’. The committee’s findings reassure the value of the institute’s strategy and have reinforced our resolve to develop an even stronger contribution to urban innovation through research, education, and entrepreneurship.
Our statement of account required by the Standards for Remunaration Act (in Dutch WNT), can be read here.