

Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.


Evidence Based Food System Design

Metropolitan Food Systems

Feeding people in a growing metropolitan city challenges the production, supply, consumption and removal of food. This project uses data to outline scenarios and integrate the flow of food added to the growing evidence for future food systems.



Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.



Smart Urban Mobility

Travelers use personalized and self-organized public transport solutions while services and systems continue to rapidly change. Research is underway to foresee future demand-driven transportation and improve inevitable change for all parties.


Evidence Based Food System Design

Metropolitan Food Systems

Feeding people in a growing metropolitan city challenges the production, supply, consumption and removal of food. This project uses data to outline scenarios and integrate the flow of food added to the growing evidence for future food systems.


Evidence Based Food System Design

Metropolitan Food Systems

Feeding people in a growing metropolitan city challenges the production, supply, consumption and removal of food. This project uses data to outline scenarios and integrate the flow of food added to the growing evidence for future food systems.


Evidence Based Food System Design

Metropolitan Food Systems

Feeding people in a growing metropolitan city challenges the production, supply, consumption and removal of food. This project uses data to outline scenarios and integrate the flow of food added to the growing evidence for future food systems.


Evidence Based Food System Design

Metropolitan Food Systems

Feeding people in a growing metropolitan city challenges the production, supply, consumption and removal of food. This project uses data to outline scenarios and integrate the flow of food added to the growing evidence for future food systems.