As an employee of the office team, Jurjen welcomes you to AMS Institute with a smile. Working at the reception, he will support the professional staff and the students. He will smoothen the daily administration flow and the organization of the room bookings. Jurjen is well known at the Marineterrein because he was for years the receptionist of Pension Homeland, which is a direct neighbor of AMS Institute.

Living in Amsterdam and with a background in Social Geography, Jurjen feels at home at the AMS Institute, where new solutions for urban challenges are formed. After traveling the world for years and teaching geography at various high schools, he is now settled with his wife and son in Amsterdam. As a leisure activity, he explores all the latest exhibitions in the city as a true “culture searcher”.

“There is an urge to cope with urban challanges, so it feels as a fulfillment to work at AMS Institute.”

Jurjen Haspels

Office Assistent