About the Metropolitan Solutions Course
In this course, students put their acquired skills into practice for the first time. In multidisciplinary themes they work on an AMS themed issue in a metropolitan region commissioned by a client from the private or public sector. Based on the briefing and terms of reference received from the client, students develop a consultancy or project plan, including a preliminary problem definition and analysis and a plan for data generation and analysis. This leads to the 'Metropolitan Solution', a socio-technical design-related project and/or strategy in response to a clients request.

An applied training course (follow up of skills learning processes) in project management and leadership, scenario planning, innovation management, group dynamics and teamwork, multi-actor settings and intercultural communication is offered.

Examples of earlier assignments are: How to direct tourist movements in cities? How to make a football stadium sustainable? How to harvest nutrients from household waste in a neighbourhood? Where to produce biofuel in the city? Which products support increasing the use of grey and green water? Where can spatial interventions stimulate physical exercise? How to monitor spatial segregation of the elderly? How to engage citizens in crowd control?

Metropolitan Solutions final presentations
At the end of the course, the students present their findings during the exhibition. Various stake holders come together to interact with the students and talk about the urban solutions.

Take a look below to see the previous presentations.


MADE Metropolitan Solutions 2021


As part of the Metropolitan Solutions course, first-year MSc MADE students were tasked, as consultants, to give advice on urban challenges to three case owners: Zeilfort Kudelstaart, Restaurant de Kas and Djame Masdjied Taibah Mosque.


MSc MADE Metropolitan Solutions 2020


As part of the Metropolitan Solutions course, first-year MSc MADE students were tasked, as consultants, to give advice to two case owners on urban challenges: the municipality on climate-proof Quay Walls and Stayokay Amsterdam East on becoming circular.


MSc MADE Metropolitan Solutions 2019


Over the course of two months, our MADE students looked into two metropolitan challenges and were challenged to research and design solutions. The cases they looked at were: Tuindorp Oostzaan and Sopropo.

Do you like to know more about the course Metropolitan Solutions?