In the process of realizing the energy transition, there are mismatches found between the retrofitting of poorly isolated houses and residents’ energy practices and between residents and those actors planning and implementing solutions. This is, amongst others, related to a lack of knowledge about the diversity of energy-related household practices and how to involve residents in the planning and implementation of housing renovation. This puts pressure on realizing an effective and equitable (i.e., distribution of benefits and burdens; degree of access to decision‐making; and recognition of how vulnerable groups are affected by the energy transition) energy transition in these neighborhoods. 

JUST PREPARE focuses on developing the required knowledge in four different municipalities; applying the gained expertise to create solutions in living labs in collaboration with municipalities, housing corporations, residents and other relevant actors; improving these solutions accordingly; and preparing the findings for use elsewhere. In 2022, the NWO granted funding to the JUST PREPARE consortium.

“In the Living Labs, we explore solutions in the complexity of real life. We take the perspective of residents and explore the diversity of their energy practices. And that aspect becomes the starting point for neighborhood approaches in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Our goal is also that residents become much more involved in and benefit from the energy transition in their neighborhoods.”

Stan Majoor – Lector Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken

UvA, HvA, Radboud Universiteit, TU Delft, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Hogeschool Arnhem/Nijmegen, and over 40 ((co)funding) partners including provinces, municipalities, housing associations, energy companies and consultants.

  • September 2022 - September 2026
Related Information:


Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Radbound University
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Technical University Eindhoven
Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen