Jantien Stoter is full professor 3D Geoinformation at the Section Urban Data Science and obtained her PhD degree in 2004 (topic: 3D Cadastre). Jantien combines her professorship with a job as innovation consultant at the Kadaster. From TU Delft, she is posted to Geonovum. For her research on 5D data modelling, Jantien received the prestigious Vidi grant of the Netherlands Scientific Foundation (NWO) in 2010. In 2016, she received a Personal Grant from the European Research Council for her proposal Urban Modelling in higher dimensions (ERC). Jantien is (co)author of over 350 academic and professional articles.

At AMS Institute, the work of Jantien and her team focuses on developing and implementing 3D models of cities, buildings and landscapes. These models serve urban applications to make cities more sustainable, liveable, clean, resilient, inclusive, less noisy, better accessible, etc.

“An accurate, up-to-date virtual 3D copy of the city is needed to understand urban processes and study the impact of different future scenarios. This asks for 3D data beyond visualization.”

Jantien Stoter

Professor & AMS PI

The research focuses on automatically reconstructing 3D models that can directly be used in such applications. It also includes defining application-specific Levels of Details (LoDs) of 3D city models; defining and validating the quality of 3D city models to assure the usefulness of the data beyond visualization; and, integrating 3D data from different domains such as geo-information and data collected during design and building processes (i.e. BIM).

The 3D Geoinformation group collaborates with industry and government. Work from this group has led to open source software and standards for reconstructing and using 3D Geoinformation.

More information:


Future-proof Living Environment

Climate Resilient Cities

AMS Institute collaborates with 27 partners on emission-free, circular, and climate-proof solutions for societal challenges in the infrastructure sector.


Urban Modeling in Higher Dimensions

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Solving Amsterdam’s urban issues would benefit from one 3-D model with continuously updated information. However, scientists so far have matched unique data to their own simulating models. Research on one integrated solution is underway.


3D data of 10 million buildings

Responsible Urban Digitalization

3D data now available for all 10 million buildings in the Netherlands, simulating effects like these on the living envir


3D data of 10 million buildings

Responsible Urban Digitalization

3D data now available for all 10 million buildings in the Netherlands, simulating effects like these on the living envir


GeoBIM Workshop

Responsible Urban Digitalization

2-3 Dec 2019

The use of 3D city models is extremely powerful to raise awareness about the city, supporting simulations and analysis. But they often miss some details. Building Information Models (BIM) are dense of useful information, but they often miss their context.


Future-proof Living Environment

Climate Resilient Cities

AMS Institute collaborates with 27 partners on emission-free, circular, and climate-proof solutions for societal challenges in the infrastructure sector.


Future-proof Living Environment

Climate Resilient Cities

AMS Institute collaborates with 27 partners on emission-free, circular, and climate-proof solutions for societal challenges in the infrastructure sector.


Urban Modeling in Higher Dimensions

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Solving Amsterdam’s urban issues would benefit from one 3-D model with continuously updated information. However, scientists so far have matched unique data to their own simulating models. Research on one integrated solution is underway.


Urban Modeling in Higher Dimensions

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Solving Amsterdam’s urban issues would benefit from one 3-D model with continuously updated information. However, scientists so far have matched unique data to their own simulating models. Research on one integrated solution is underway.


Urban Modeling in Higher Dimensions

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Solving Amsterdam’s urban issues would benefit from one 3-D model with continuously updated information. However, scientists so far have matched unique data to their own simulating models. Research on one integrated solution is underway.


Urban Modeling in Higher Dimensions

Responsible Urban Digitalization

Solving Amsterdam’s urban issues would benefit from one 3-D model with continuously updated information. However, scientists so far have matched unique data to their own simulating models. Research on one integrated solution is underway.


3D data of 10 million buildings

Responsible Urban Digitalization

3D data now available for all 10 million buildings in the Netherlands, simulating effects like these on the living envir


GeoBIM Workshop

Responsible Urban Digitalization

2-3 Dec 2019

The use of 3D city models is extremely powerful to raise awareness about the city, supporting simulations and analysis. But they often miss some details. Building Information Models (BIM) are dense of useful information, but they often miss their context.


3D data of 10 million buildings

Responsible Urban Digitalization

3D data now available for all 10 million buildings in the Netherlands, simulating effects like these on the living envir


GeoBIM Workshop

Responsible Urban Digitalization

2-3 Dec 2019

The use of 3D city models is extremely powerful to raise awareness about the city, supporting simulations and analysis. But they often miss some details. Building Information Models (BIM) are dense of useful information, but they often miss their context.