What role can AI and digital twins play towards seamless multimodal mobility management? In ACUMEN we will build a decision tool that helps cities and other stakeholders in transport improve their mobility system.

ACUMEN proposes a generic, privacy-preserving, data-driven modular digital paradigm for advanced network management. It aims to enable efficient and reliable door-to-door journeys for people and goods, to make a critical contribution to achieving the transport goals outlined in the green deal, and increased safety and resilience at the network level.

The main concept developed in ACUMEN is a modular Digital Twin (DT), a representation of integrated and interacting real complex systems, ultimately forming a digitised version of seamless and sustainable, connected urban mobility. DT is complemented by plug-in modules, or digital tools, which represent the outcomes of the models (physics-based or data-driven based), data (including that generated via AI/ML approaches using said models), and simulation tools at the disposal of a city/road authority/mobility service provider. AI-powered digital tools that support mobility management and decision-making—exploiting the modular DT architecture—will be developed by leading academic and research partners, in close cooperation with global industry partners and stakeholders.

The DT platform will be demonstrated and validated through a set of comprehensive and carefully selected use cases, co-created with stakeholders, involving different scales and urban forms, to challenge the capabilities of ACUMEN with a diverse range of transport management problems and applications.



Smart Urban Mobility



Smart Urban Mobility

Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management


SUM Blog #2: Extended Reality

Smart Urban Mobility

Blogpost by Petar Koljensic, Maike Simmes & Tom Kuipers

  • June 2023 - June 2026

Principal Investigators


Aalto University
Université Gustave Eiffel
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Forum Virium Helsinki
Universite du Luxembourg
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
LuxMobility S.A.R.L
HERE Global B.V.
Sales-Lentz Autocars S. a (S.L.A.)
Ethniko Metsovio Polytechnio